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Our Products

We specialise in typefaces representing historical forms of handwriting and printing, used throughout the British Isles in the past two millennia. Our typefaces include extensive historical character sets, full references and historical information.

Our typefaces are available with on-line reference material for immediate download or supplied on an optional USB flash drive. See the list below.

Typefaces that form a coherent group for particular historical periods are available; the price of the collection reresents a saving on the summed individual prices of the constituent typefaces.

Each of our fonts is hand-draughted and carefully digitised to provide high quality reproductions of historical hands, and is available in OpenType or AAT form (signified by an OT or AAT suffix): full details of the advantages of OpenType and AAT are available here.

Products Available

Single Typeface Packs

iOS Single Typefaces

Historical Typeface Collections

Special Packages

Advice for Complementary Products


To show off our fonts to the best effect, we recommend Parch Marque and Marlmarque by GF Smith, in particular Parch Marque Champagne and Marlmarque Olympic Ivory. Both are available from most reputable craft and paper merchants.