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Single Typefaces

Available typefaces:

17C Print Pack

Bastard Secretary Hand

Chancery Hand

Common Pleas Hand

Formal Text Hand

Insular Minuscule Hand

Italic Hand

Roman Cursive

Rustic Capitals

Secretary Hand


Written Square Capitals

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17th Century Print Pack

This Single Typeface pack contains a family of two fonts: 17C Print and 17C Italic

[download] Download: £35   PC (OT only) | Mac (OT & ATT)  

Typefaces are provided as immediate electronic downloads; but you can also choose to:

[usb]Include a copy of all of your font purchases on USB flashdrive (choose once at any stage of your order)  

Important Note: The full character set can be accessed in any Windows or Macintosh application, but extra functionality is available with OpenType/AAT enabled applications. See advanced type for full details.

Typeface display:

Some of the extra historical characters provided:

OpenType Features:

Text (Caxton-style) glyph set
Footnotes glyph set
Drop capitals glyph set

AAT Features:

Standard Ligatures, Historical Forms, Historical Ligartures, Latin Abbreviations (general), Latin Abbreviations (specific), British runes, Transliteration, Stylistic Variants, Optical Size, Vertical Position, Letter Case, Medieval English Usage, Mathematical Symbols, Glyph Variants.

[OpenType Feature Key | Advanced Type Information]

Historical note:

The advent of the printing press saw the early type designers, typified by Guttenberg and Caxton, striving to reproduce the contemporaneous written styles, which, in the early fifteenth century were based on various forms of text hand. The Humanists of the Italian Renaissance wanted a ‘new’ writing style and they found inspiration in the the old tenth century Carolingian hand, through its clean and elegant form. In deference to its roots it was known as Littera Antiqua, and, coupled both with a cursive, forward slanted variant known as Italic, and Roman square capitals, it became the de facto style across Europe, by the beginning of the sixteenth century (although notably not in the Germanic countries where text hand remained the standard). Inevitably, the printers embraced this new writing style as the standard and most legible typeface. Such was its success, that there really is very little difference between this and the ‘roman’ typestyles of today

The 17C Print OT fonts were taken from a book published in 1686; they were designed to incorporate not only the imperfections but also the art of seventeenth century printing, including many glyph variants based on optical size, ligature, alphabet and typestyle.